press coverage


Karauli: el secreto palaciego mejor guardado de Rajastán

De los palacios de Jaipur a los tesoros de Karauli, India esconde lugares de majestuosa belleza. Y qué mejor manera de descubrirlos que en compañía de su realeza.

A lo largo de su corta historia, el Palacio de Bhanwar Vilas, que data de 1938, sufrió un saqueo, quedando totalmente desolado. Al contemplar su estado, la maharaní Rohini Kumari, la primera dama de la familia en entrar decididamente en la esfera pública como política, sintió el deseo irrefrenable de recuperar

LA BUENA VIDA A cuerpo de Maharajá

A mitad de camino entre Agra y Jaipur, KARULI se yergue como una de las ciudades históricas de la India. Disfrútala y siéntete como un rey. por REDACCIÓN GQ

Situada a cinco horas y media de trayecto en coche desde Nueva Delhi, escoltada por las urbes de Agra y Jaipur a este y oeste, la peque- ña ciudad de Karuli (en el estado de Rajasthan) es una de las metrópolis con más historia de la India. Su fundación data de 1348. Fue Raja ArjunDeoji, líder de los Yaduvanshi Rajputswas,

Rajasthan, a casa del maharaja

Ci sono città dove basta superare un portone per cambiare epoca. La fotografa danese Signe Vilstrup cercando una location di moda ha scoperto Karauli e gli ultimi maharaja

Lo Stato del Rajasthan, nel Nordovest dell’India, tra Nuova Delhi e il Pakistan, è ancora oggi una delle migliori opportunità che avete per fare un viaggio nel tempo. Anzi, diversi viaggi nel tempo in una sola visita: ci sono città, come la pittoresca Karauli, dove è sufficiente entrare o uscire dal portone dei tradizionali edifici di arenaria rossa per cambiare epoca e secolo.

Karauli: el secreto palaciego mejor guardado de Rajastán

De los palacios de Jaipur a los tesoros de Karauli, India esconde lugares de majestuosa belleza. Y qué mejor manera de descubrirlos que en compañía de su realeza.

A lo largo de su corta historia, el Palacio de Bhanwar Vilas, que data de 1938, sufrió un saqueo, quedando totalmente desolado. Al contemplar su estado, la maharaní Rohini Kumari, la primera dama de la familia en entrar decididamente en la esfera pública como política, sintió el deseo irrefrenable de recuperar esta joya patrimonial.

How India’s royals are reinventing Rajasthan's forgotten palaces

Heading up the faint trail towards the crumbling bastions of Udgir Fort, I pause to regard our party: two Forest Department rangers, our driver, the local village headman plus friend, and a pair of palace “guards”. Their attention is focused on my twentysomething companion Vivasvat Pal, scion of the house of Karauli, a former princely state in south-eastern Rajasthan.

Perched on a spur at the edge of the Daang Plateau, overlooking the Chambal valley, Udgir is a remote spot. From its lofty ramparts, seemingly endless bullock-tilled

Yuvraj vivasvat pal and yuvrani anshika kumari of karauli

Kumari of karauli born into the lineage of the legendary lord krishna himself, the custodians of the sacred brijbhoomi of karauli, shed light on their fascinating spiritual, architectural, philanthropic and artistic legacy

“According to the Bhagavata Purana, Lord Krishna was upset at infighting among his descendants at Dwarka, and resolved to increase discord within the clan to an extent that the members themselves fell upon each other, as Dwarka submerged into the sea. A sole descendant, Vajra Nabh, was away on

At the hospitable gem of Karauli, Lakshmi IndraSimhan discovers that not all of Rajasthan has been overtaken by tourists

Most writing about small towns is elegiac. The words used are often as gentle and sleepy, as wide-eyed and trusting, as the vision of pristine innocence they seek to describe. Small towns as destination spots exist somewhere in the interstices: not rural enough to be a true getaway, not urban enough to be truly thrilling.

Karauli, once called Kalyanpuri, is an ancient town in Rajasthan that, save for the problem of getting there, was just such a small town. The lack of tourist infrastructure, aside from a single hotel and its restaurant, makes things easier rather than inconvenient. Something about the town’s normalcy intuits familiarity.


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      Bhanwar Vilas Palace Karauli, 322241 Rajasthan


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